Tadeusz Lubelski

He graduated from the Polish studies department at Jagiellonian University. He used to work as a film critic and translator.  A retired professor at the Jagiellonian University’s Institute of Audiovisual Arts; He promoted 22 doctorates. Among others, he published works such as Poetyka powieści i filmów Tadeusza Konwickiego (1984), Strategie autorskie w polskim filmie fabularnym lat 1945-1961 (1992), Kino Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego (red., 1997), Wajda (2006), Historia niebyła kina PRL (2012, Nagroda „Kina” im. Bolesława Michałka, Nominated for the NIKE award), Historia kina polskiego 1895-2014 (2015), Nowa Fala 60 lat później. O pewnej przygodzie kina francuskiego (2017); and also translated the book Hitchcock/Truffaut (2005).  He was the editor of the first polish Encyclopedia of Cinematography (2003, 2nd edition 2010). The co editor (together with Iwona Sowińska and Rafał Syska) of the Cinema History series (4 volumes 2012 – 2019). A member of the European and Polish film academies. The head of the board for Krakow Film Festival. An Avid reader.

Description of the speech


Given that the conference is dedicated to film archives – I’m going to start with a short introduction of the Andrzej Wajda Archive in Kraków. How was it established, what does it consist of, and how does it function? Afterwards I’m going to focus on my current work, which makes use of the most valuable part of the archive: it’s the editorial release of the private Notebooks, in which Wajda has described the current events in his life: his work, plans, meetings, dreams…  I’m going to talk about the editorial release (as part of my collaboration with Agnieszka Morstin), subsequent to my work.